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Commin' Clean on Campaign Promises
In Forum Stuff
Nov 21, 2024
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Crowded, Ain't It?
In Forum Stuff
Nov 21, 2024
This is some good thinking, Anne. Thanks. Ms. Hollub today said this in Midland, readers may click on the image above to read the link: (Bloomberg) -- Occidental Petroleum Corp. warned that US energy independence is at risk of slipping away if shale output plateaus and begins to decline. “It’s going to start to roll over, and when that happens, that’s when the US is at risk for losing our energy independence,” Chief Executive Officer Vicki Hollub said in a presentation at Hart Energy’s Executive Oil Conference in Midland, Texas, on Thursday. “That could come in the next five years that we start to see that plateauing happen.” In spite of all the MSM rheotric about increased efficiencies, better technology and improving well productivity, Permian production has been flat the past 12 months. The Energy Inaccuracy Administration (a big target for DOGE, IMO) will miss its 2024 projections by a half million BOPD. It seems to me the plateau has arrived. Permian crude output “will peak at slightly above 7 million barrels a day at the end of this decade,” said Pete Bowden, global head of industrial, energy and infrastructure investment banking at Jefferies Financial Group Inc. “But thereafter will decline more gradually than most experts expect.” But ignore Ms. Hollub, who is this yahoo above? For the Permian to grow 800K BOPD over the next 5 years, to 7 MM BOPD, the Permian will have to replace 4.5MM BOPD every year (annualized legacy decline) over that five year period, meaning 20MM BOPD more will have to be manufactured by 2030 in the Permian Basin before the 800,000 can be added on. Can't be done. The heart of the watermelon is chomped and there is no more vaccant motels to put produced water into. In the Delaware Basin the gas monster has them by the ying yang. There’s anywhere from 10 to 25 years of drilling inventory left in the Permian’s Delaware sub-basin, according to a presentation from ConocoPhillips, citing data from industry consultant Enverus. In the Midland sub-basin that has been producing oil for more than a century, the drilling inventory is seen in the range of eight to 15 years.  Fifteen more years in the Midland Basin?!! Gawd. There is so much lying going on about America's oil and natural gas future I don't have a clue how anybody can even keep up with it anymore. PS: The United States was never energy independent, never will be now, and why in the world would we want to be? Its a marathon, not a sprint.
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Secretary Of Drain America First !
In Forum Stuff
Nov 17, 2024
Wright stands out as one of the most energetic, entrepreneurial, and intelligent individuals I’ve ever met. He’s relentlessly curious and innovative. He’s also an unapologetic energy humanist and an unapologetic advocate for energy realism. He is one of the energy sector’s most vocal advocates for domestic energy production and increased energy availability throughout the developing world. Robert Bryce The only oilman I ever met in 60 years as a Texas independent producer that thought he could not drill his way out of financial trouble It is inheritant in an oilman's DNA that we will never face hydrcoarbon scarcity, that the stuff grows on trees, every year a new crop to harvest, we just need more money to shake the trees. That has never been more evident to me than what we see in the Permian Basin HZ tight oil play right now. It will all last forever. "We have more liquid gold under our feet than Saudi Arabia." It won't. No oilfields or oil plays EVER in the history of the world last forever. They all deplete. When this one is done in America, what's next? Trump, Wright, Hamm, Stice, Woods, Wirth, Abbot, the three TRRC Commissioners, Summers...they know what depletion is they know the Permian is close; they don't care. They're not going to conserve resources for the future, or prevent natural gas waste up a flare stack, they're not going to mitigate pressure depletion, or stop over drilling sweet spots, nothing. Not until they have to. Not until its too late. They're in charge and the only thing that matters to them is making a buck. Eight percent (8%) recovery rates of OIP along a HZ lateral's SRV? They've had the same RR's for 15 years. I rest my case. "Those shale guys are wild men. I'll make them drill baby drill. If they drill themselves out of business, I don't care." D. Trump; N. Carolina, Oct. 2024
The Shale Cash Cow?
In Forum Stuff
Nov 15, 2024
Thanks for this, Stephen. I hope you are doing well? I'm not a financial analyst, I am not even much of a shale oil analyst, just an oilman who understands well economics very well. I can assure everyone at $68/$1 most HZ tight oil wells being drilled today are not cash cows. The sector CAN self finance its current rig count, but no more and it is not deleveraging debt. Its actually adding debt, as one would expect with consolidations. The authors example, Devon, below. IMO a debt to equity ratio of 0.61 is not very healthy when the oil you produce is declining 85+% the first 32 months of production life: Morningstar suggests Devon's breakeven price for oil is $36...sorry, ain't buyin' that. The incremental lift costs per BOE is this article for DVN I do not accept, sorry. Be very weary of any analysis using BOE as the benchmark and determining what the netback is per BOE. Robert, downhole, is absolutely correct; the two revenue streams (now close to 50/50 in the Delaware Basin) should be analyzed seperately. I've been thru all this greater "efficiency" stuff a lot recently and I don't see in SEC filings where well costs have come down a lot. They are, as we know, going to skyrocket with tariffs on steel. DVN makes a Lake Erie of produced water every day in the Delaware. Its 2023 wells were not so good and its EUR's are falling. Its 2024 wells may be better on a short term basis, but long term, no. Consolidations in a mature oil play generally always mean the end is near. I do not agree with RBN's charts at all, but then again, I am not an analyst, just an oil man. There are two ways to look the U.S. tight oil sector, one from the standpoint of an investment for the sake of dividends, or two, from the standpoint of long term sustainability and the ability to deliver the goods for our nation's long term future. I've learned not to get in chicken fights with dividend owners...they are worse than royalty owners. If that is one's definition of "good for America," dividends, knock yourself out. On the later, the long term future of tight oil in our country, everything these corporations do are for money and they could care less what the future looks like four years from now for our country. On this article,
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Long Permian Runways
In Forum Stuff
Nov 14, 2024
This statement by a data-sell company has implications regarding longer laterals that are NOT true; it is qualatative statement depending on the defintion of "effective" resource extraction, increased output per well and optimization of leased areas. IP90's do not make wells more productive by any definition and the bigger they are the first few months the harder they fall. This headline from a major industry magazine implies reservor recovery is "enhanced" by drilling longer laterals and can NOT be proven to be true at this time. In fact, just the opposite is likely true with regard to recovery rates of OIP along a horizontal lateral or stimulated reservor volume (SRA) surrounding a lateral. Optimum lateral lengths based on maximizing recovery of oil is way different that those for maximizing up front cash flow. This is an independent study done by two SPE members on longer laterals in the Bakken. I can find six papers just like this for longer laterals in the Permian, including one in the Journal of Petroleum Technology. Poor stimulation of perforation clusters toward the toe in a super long lateral actually reduce recovery rates of OIP in the last several thousand feet of lateral. That oil is then stranded and lost forever. Unless you want to be a working interest owner in $9MM HZ wells that have total ROI's over 12 years of 50%, and are netted like a mullet over up front cash flow, or are a day trader and eaten up with 4% dividend rates, estimated ultimate recoveries from long lateral wells is lower and just one more example of how this amazing resource in America is grossly, negligently, being mismanaged for our nation's long term energy security.
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