Salgado In Kuwait; 1991

I wish to speculate about this bottom photo, please. I am pretty sure this is an Adair hand and this well would be in the Burgan Field.
The wind is blowing really hard and offers a great chance to get in from the windward side and see what needs to be done to fix this. So I think this hand is dragging in some rag hose to be able to put some water between himself and the fire. He'll get some help and walk in really close, I mean close, close, behind a tin shield drenched in water and water knocking back the heat a little. He'll make a plan from there. This fire can be extinguished with water from a couple of HP pumps, cooled down and the tubing head removed. There were lots of wells like this that could be capped in one day.
Men with balls of steel or is it vice versa . Tks for the strawberries 24/7/365 .
Oh my gosh! Incredible photos!
Amazing photographs Mike. Thank you.