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“I'll get those guys drilling. They are wild. They are tough and wild. They are crazy. They'll be drilling so much,” Trump said.

“Those guys” could surely use a boost to the industry, such as a permitting reform to facilitate energy infrastructure development, a lift of President Biden’s pause on LNG export projects permitting, and easier access to financing when U.S. oil and gas isn’t vilified left and right.


But they will surely beg to differ from Trump’s remark at the same North Carolina rally, “If they drill themselves out of business, I don't give a damn, right?”

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Essentially every barrel of C+C growth in the United States since the export ban was lifted in late 2015 is now exported to foreign countries. It took 37,000 HZ wells to grow that production, costing nearly $335,000,000,000. The price of has gone up $46 a barrel since the export ban was lifted. 


In late 2014, after the U.S. had put 4.8 MM BOPD of shale oil on an otherwise balanced world market, the price collaped $64 a barrel. If we assume that the price of world oil prices will have to slashed in half, to $35, to make the price of gasoline go down by half in the U.S. it will take at least 3.5-4.0 MM BOPD of additional shale oil production from the Permian Basin to achieve that. 



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Copyrighted 2017; Oily Stuff Blog and Oily Stuff Productions; San Marcos, Texas 
Header Photograph by Robert Flaherty
Page Photograph by Mike Rasco
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Oily Stuff Productions @ 2020 

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