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 Stuff  To Think About 
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Read This & Be Prepared To Be Pissed Off ! 
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  Quote Stuff 


"We are at the beginning of the end of the Oil Age. Europe’s energy crisis, the war in Ukraine, and rise of Iran as the dominant power in the Middle East are all part of a struggle to dominate

remaining fossil resources as well as new energy sources.

Many Americans including some of its leaders have the peculiar idea that the United States dominates world energy and that its military might is as formidable in global events as it was 75 years ago. I don’t think so. While some celebrate a new high in U.S. oil reserves, I worry that its 3% of remaining world supply is a drop in the bucket.

The nations working toward a new world order have a plan.

                         What is ours?"   Art Berman 

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The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall
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The materials provided on this site are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice.  I may make data related mistakes  occasionally; if you use my opinions about oil reserves or shale well economics for financial purposes, to buy or sell stocks, your nuts. Don't do that. If I have used a photograph incorrectly it was for educational purposes and I have done my best of to give credit where credit is due. My stories are all true, slightly embellished, perhaps, but true; I don't change names to protect the guilty. I am as accurate as possible about history and historical facts; I work very hard at that.All rights are reserved, whatever that means.  Don't blame me,  I didn't do it.   

                                                                                                                                                     Mike Shellman 
Copyrighted 2017; Oily Stuff Blog and Oily Stuff Productions; San Marcos, Texas 
Header Photograph by Robert Flaherty
Page Photograph by Mike Rasco
Website Design by
Oily Stuff Productions @ 2020 

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