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"The top fivc non-integrated, public tight oil companies in the Permian Basin pay dividends to investors that cost about $1.25 per incremental BO produced based on SEC data, shares outstanding and daily
C+C production rates in 2023. Look at breakevens and tell me that breaks the sector. If doesn't.
Don't buy the 'fiscal discipline' stuff. The slow down and decline in production is about poor well economics." Mike Shellman

United States proven developed gas reserves in 2021 ranked 5th in the entire world behind
Russia, Iran, Qatar and Turkmenistan.
These reserves in 2023 in the U.S are now believed to be 7.4% of total world reserves (EIA) but we still rank No. 5.
70% of these U.S reserves come from unconventional shale resources and have
an annualized legacy decline rate of 25%.
In 2023 the United States touched on being the highest ranking country in the world in terms of LNG exports and something like the 5th largest natural gas exporter in the world, LNG and exports by pipe in the ground. In late 2024 Qatar reassumed the role of the largest LNG exporter.
Under the false belief that America has 100 years of economical gas supply available, based entirely on technically recoverable reserves at some unknown, much higher price, there are now 12 LNG exports operating or under construction in the U.S, and another 15 permits pending for other new LNG hubs.

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The materials provided on this site are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice. I may make data related mistakes occasionally; if you use my opinions about oil reserves or shale well economics for financial purposes, to buy or sell stocks, your nuts. Don't do that. If I have used a photograph incorrectly it was for educational purposes and I have done my best of to give credit where credit is due. My stories are all true, slightly embellished, perhaps, but true; I don't change names to protect the guilty. I am as accurate as possible about history and historical facts; I work very hard at that.All rights are reserved, whatever that means. Don't blame me, I didn't do it.